









问: 套盆养花为什么会漏水?答: 在套盆养花时,我们常常会遇到水从底部漏出的问题。这可能是因为盆土和花盆不适配,或者盆土的配比不当,也可能是花茎过粗或者根系过发达。让我们来详细分析一下。首先,如果花盆与套盆不匹配,套盆养花就很难避免漏水的问题。如果花盆过小,套盆就不能承载足够的水分,从而导致溢出。如果花盆过大,它就会在底部留下一片空隙,使水分无法被充分吸收。因此,在套盆养花时,选择合适的花盆是非常重要的。其次,如果盆土的配比不当,也会导致套盆养花漏水的问题。盆土中的排水量是一个非常关键的因素,如果太少,盆土将变得浸水,在盆底积水的情况下,难以承载整个花盆的重量,从而产生漏水现象。相反,如果排水过多,过多的水流失将导致根茎缺乏水分而死亡。因此,在套盆养花时,应该选择适合植物体积的盆土,避免水分过多或过少。最后,过发达的根系和粗壮的花茎也是导致套盆养花漏水的主要原因之一。当植物根系生长过发达时,根茎将脱离盆土形成空隙,造成水分流出。同样的是,花茎过粗也会使得花盆无法承载整体重量,使得水分流出。为了避免这种情况,我们可以利用支架和支撑杆等专业设备来支撑花盆和花茎。对于不同的情况,我们需要采取不同的措施来减少漏水的概率。正确选择花盆、合理配制盆土、支撑植物茎蔓弱支散以及提高灌溉技能,都有助于解决漏水问题。祝愿大家的套盆养花之路越来越美好!

【英文介绍/For English】:

The reason for the leakage

1. The size is difficult to coordinate: For some plants suitable for breathable flowerpots, in order to prevent affecting the aesthetics, a plastic flowerpot can be put on the outside, but the sizes of the two flowerpots are not the same, and coordination is difficult ensure. When the water is poured in, it will leak from the place where the two pots do not fit.

2. Drainage hole itself: For many flower pots, the bottom contains drainage holes. This hole is used for drainage. After water is poured too much, it will naturally leak from the bottom of the flower pot. Without this hole, moisture would have accumulated in it and some of it would have accumulated next to the root, which would overwhelm the root and cause the root to rot.

3. The material is too breathable: the flowerpot may be made of some breathable materials, and there will be some small cracks on it, so that water will leak around the flowerpot.

Second, how to solve

1. Control the amount of water: When watering, you can properly control the amount of water. Do not water too much at one time to prevent a lot of water from flowing out of the bottom of the flowerpot.

2. Place the tray: In order to prevent the water from flowing out, you can put a tray at the bottom of the set basin, which can accommodate the flowing water.